College Deadlines Closing in on Seniors
December 4, 2019
We are in the middle of the college application season; a busy time for seniors, teachers, and counselors alike. Some seniors already know where they might be attending next fall while others are just now figuring out what Naviance is, but they are not the only ones who are busy this time of the year. Teachers and counselors are also busy with letters of recommendation, transcript requests, questions, and everything in between. We here in the Journalism Production class would like to remind everyone about some important deadlines and share advice from an interview of our school’s own college counselor, Coach Kusinski.
Are there any important college deadlines/scholarships seniors should be aware of?
Early Action Deadlines:
November 1st, November 15th, December 1st, December 15th, and December 30th (for most schools)
Regular Admission Deadlines:
December 31st, January 1st, and January 15th
First FAFSA must be completed since it is a top priority. All other scholarships have specific deadlines but can be found through any search engine and on the Naviance scholarship page.
What advice do you have for students thinking about taking the ACT/SAT again?
Take the ACT 3 times and if it doesn’t go so well, try the SAT. Students should take the ACT at least twice; a one point increase could mean more scholarship money.
Anything to say for seniors at this time of the year?
Use Thanksgiving/Christmas Break to get organized and finish the college application process. Finish the semester strong. “Senior year grades matter.” Some colleges have already asked for first semester transcripts of students.
Any words for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in preparation for senior year/college applications?
Freshmen: Get off to a good start.
Sophomores: Start narrowing down specific potential majors.
Juniors: Test prep all year.
What are some things seniors can do to make the process go more smoothly?
Get something done every day on your applications, little bit by little bit and not all at once (this way you can deal with the “roadblocks” of the process sooner), follow up on letters of recommendation, and pay attention to deadlines.
Is there anything you would say to stressed-out/worried seniors?
Take time to find the college you want. People don’t always go to their dream school but that’s fine because it is better to go to a school that’s the right fit for you. “There is a school that wants you.”
What about seniors who already know where they are going to college?
Make sure to have a back-up plan. Start conversations with parents about how you are going to pay for college. Things always change so have a backup.
Any last comments/questions?
Addressed to the class of 2020: “Keep up the good work, see it through to the end, and finish strong academically.”